Parenting books I love

Books have always been my go-to place for solace, comfort and advice and so when Rumi was born, it was only natural that we turned to books for every single thing, from tips on how to make babies sleep better to raising emotionally resilient kids. And while a lot of those tomes are gathering dust,…

The Lion and the Bird

If I had to pick a favorite picture book at gunpoint (and I wouldn’t be able to do it and be shot because of my indecisiveness!) but if I was a person who was able to decide quick and hence save themselves, the winner would be ‘The Lion and The Bird’ by Marianne Dubuc. As…

Fluffy Chick and Friends – Roger Priddy

  Fluffy Chick and Friends (Roger Priddy) was the first book Rumi ever owned, when she was all of three months. It is a bright, eye-catching feel-and-touch cloth book that makes for the most ideal, perfect gift for babies. I was introduced to Priddy books by a friend, who showed me some of the cloth…